Mary, Queen of Peace usually provides child care for children ages 1 to 4 during 9:30 a.m. Mass on Sundays, in the Parish Center. It also provides child care for children of all ages during select evening ministry meetings and special parish events including parish missions and workshops. The child care room is located adjacent to the main foyer in the parish center.
Contact: Theresa Bennett | 985.778.5291 | [email protected]
Deacon Jack Finn is available to discuss your situation in confidence and assist in any way necessary. For information,contact Deacon Jack at [email protected].
Contact: Deacon Jack Finn | [email protected]
Though suspended due to the health crisis, our parish family usually gathers on the first Sunday of each month for coffee and doughnuts in the cafeteria after the 8:00 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. Masses. If you are interested in volunteering for this monthly event, or if you are a student looking for a few service hours, please contact the ministry leaders.
Contact: | Kim and Missy Chatelain | [email protected]
A married couple works one on one with an engaged couple to help them successfully transition to a lifetime of living and loving together in the sacrament of matrimony. This process includes 6 two-hour sessions which take place in the home of the married couple and are spaced out over 3-6 months. Couples who wish to work in this ministry go through a one day training program offered by the Archdiocese. They are given manuals with the topics to cover and step-by step guidance.
Contact: John & Valerie Englehardt | 845-0528 or 778-1935 | [email protected]
Widowed parishioners are invited to join NAIM, a ministry exclusively for widows and widowers. NAIM members meet on the third Friday of each month for lunch at 11:30 a.m. followed by a business meeting.(This ministry is not meeting at the current time due to the health crisis.)
Contact: Marsha Davis | [email protected]